Kenneth E. Warner
Ken Warner was elected to the Board of Trustees in November 2020. His term runs through December 31, 2026. He was elected Board Treasurer in January 2022.
Warner serves on the Board of Trustees Building and Site Committee, Audit Committee and Presidential Performance and Compensation Committee.
Warner retired from the University of Michigan after 45 years as a professor in the School of Public Health. During that period he also served as his department’s chair for nine years and as dean of the school for six years. His research has focused on policy aspects of tobacco and health. Warner was the World Bank’s representative to negotiations on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the World Health Organization’s first global health treaty. He also served as the senior scientific editor of the 25th anniversary Surgeon General’s report on smoking and health. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine.
Warner currently serves on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In Traverse City, he is a member of the board of the International Affairs Forum, an NMC program, and a member of the Munson Healthcare Community and Population Health Committee.
Warner received his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and Ph.D. in economics from Yale University.