Requesting Disability Support

Contact Disability Support

If you are a student at NMC, and you have a disability that substantially limits a major life activity, you can contact Disability Support and you may be eligible to receive accommodations. DS recognizes that accommodations may be required in order to assist individuals in maximizing their educational experience.

While the college provides reasonable accommodations, we do not change essential academic requirements. Accommodation determinations are based on documentation and individualized needs assessment which takes place during the interactive accommodation request process with the student. As many reasonable accommodations require significant pre-planning, registration with DSS prior to situations requiring accommodations is essential.


We offer a wide range of services for those who have disabilities, register with the DSS office, and who require accommodations in order to achieve academic goals. With the appropriate documentation, services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Note taking assistance
  • Readers
  • Scribes
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Brailled materials
  • Books in alternative format
  • Extended time for exams
  • Reduced distraction space for exams
  • Adaptive equipment

Documentation Requirements

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are guaranteed certain protections and rights of equal access to programs and services. Documentation establishing the presence of a disability and explaining the nature and degree to which the disability affects major life activities including learning is essential for the Coordinator of Disability Support to accurately assess a condition and determine what accommodations would most effectively facilitate full participation at NMC. Students with disabilities must, therefore, provide medical/psychological documentation from a non-family member treating professional indicating the presence of a disability that substantially limits a major life activity.

The provision of reasonable accommodations and services is based upon assessment of the impact of the individual's disabilities on academic performance at a given time. Therefore, DS requires recent documentation relevant to the individual’s learning/living environment. Information regarding disability is confidential and used on an as-needed basis by the disability specialist directly involved in the accommodation process.

As each disability is unique, the DS Coordinator provides details on what constitutes appropriate documentation for a particular disability. At a minimum, documentation of a disability must appear on official letterhead from a non-family member licensed medical, diagnostic or psychological professional and include a diagnosis, scope or degree of involvement, and summary of related functional limitations. As many reasonable accommodations require significant pre-planning, registration with DSS prior to situations requiring accommodations is essential.

Grievance Policy

Student's rights and responsibilities regarding grievances can be found in the current NMC Catalog and in the Student Rights & Responsibilities policy. Any concerns regarding your disability support services should be directed to Lisa Thomas, Dean of Students at (231) 995-1043 or


  • No need to renew each semester
  • Letter of accommodation will expire at the end of the academic year, with proper documentation on file
  • The student is responsible for sharing letter of accommodation with their instructors

Definition of disability under Americans with Disability Act as Amended (ADAAA):

A person with a disability includes any person who...

  • Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • Has record of such an impairment, or
  • Is regarded as having such an impairment

Major life activities include: Walking, Seeing, Hearing, Speaking, Breathing, Learning and Working.