SGA Position Descriptions


The President will mediate weekly meetings. They shall enforce the rules of conduct detailed in A5S1. Powers of the President include: creation of detailed meeting agendas, creation of special committees, enforcing rules of conduct, and vetoing power of any funding proposal which can be overturned with a 2⁄3 majority vote. The President may also represent SGA to other associations and select representatives to groups. The President will give a speech at both fall and spring graduation ceremonies. Only in the event of a tie vote of council, shall the President be permitted to vote to break the tie. The President may spend up to (and no more than) $100 per academic year for SGA without a vote. However, the President should inform an advisor prior to the purchase(s) (not for approval but for the transparency of their actions). The original receipt(s) of these expenditure(s) must be presented by the next meeting reimbursement.


The Vice President (VP) shall replace the President if they become unable to perform their duties or are removed from office. The VP shall also meet with the Dean of Students and/or a Vice President of the college monthly to present minutes and discuss SGA plans and business. The VP will also track attendance and enforce the rules of conduct in A5S4. The VP is also tasked with being well-versed and knowledgeable on the Constitution, and the specifics thereof, so that at any time, the VP may be called upon to offer greater clarity for the rest of the SGA membership.


The Treasurer shall keep current records of financial happenings and update membership weekly, keeping available statements for every month’s transactions. These will be given to an SGA-approved individual upon request with Advisor approval. The Treasurer will oversee the movement of funds, be a representative to the Planning and Budget Committee if able, and keep 10% of funds for the next academic year. The Treasurer must also keep track of all SGA expenditures and miscellaneous expenses which must be reported to the membership within one week.


The Secretary shall keep minutes of weekly meetings and be available to any request regarding the previous two years of documents. The Secretary shall also monitor attendance and bring a vote on any continued violations of A5.

Marketing & Public Relations

The Marketing and Public Relations Representative (MPR) will update appropriate media with events and minutes and oversee Public Relations activities including public forums and attentive listening to the questions and concerns of the Student Body. The MPR shall also oversee the goals of A6.

All officers should consider it their duty to represent the Student Body and act on that as an underlying goal in any policy or program.