Ratio Christi
A fun group exploring life’s most important questions. A place to Grow. A place to Serve. A place to Belong.
To help you understand, defend and share your faith.
Weekly Events
Tuesdays, 8:30 p.m.: Ratio Christi (Latin for the Reason of Christ) Why do you believe what you believe? This discussion group will help you understand, defend and share your faith.
(Meet in IC 15) -
Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m.: Bible Study
(IC 15) -
Fridays, 7–9 p.m.: Volleyball 7–9
(NMC Gym)
Find us online at ratiochristi-nmc.com.
Student Contact
- Isabelle Abraham – abraha21@mail.nmc.edu
Faculty Advisor
- Mike Franklin – mfranklin@nmc.edu