Contact Us

Counselors - Student Life Office
Osterlin Building, Rm. O152 (#3 on the Front Street Campus map)
1701 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686
Phone: (231) 995-1118
Fax: (231) 995-1117

NOTE: We recognize that this is an anxious and potentially stressful time for all and want to remind you that NMC students can make counseling appointments via phone or virtual meeting.
To schedule an appointment with a personal counselor, please contact the Student Life Office at (231) 995-1118.

Not yet registered at NMC? Here's the quickest way to get answers to your questions: email or call (231) 995-1054.

After Hours & Community resources

Lisa Thomas — Dean of Students
Phone: +1 (231) 995-1043
Office: Osterlin Building O152
Jackie Jorgensen — Counselor
Phone: +1 (231) 995-1056
Office: Osterlin Building O152
Paul Kolak — Counselor
Phone: +1 (231) 995-1042
Office: Osterlin Building O152