NMC Police Academy law enforcement students on a run on campus

MCOLES Pre-Enrollment Testing

Prior to being considered for entry into the academy, students must pass the MCOLES Reading and Writing Test and the MCOLES Pre-Enrollment Physical Fitness Test.

NMC currently offers two testing dates in the spring. Students must have a signed Physician’s Health Screening Form and a valid operator’s license in order to participate in the fitness test. Detailed information including video tutorials can be found on the MCOLES website. The cost for the fitness test is $55 cash or check (made payable to NMC). Students sign up for the fitness test by emailing NMC Police Academy Director Gail Kurowski at gkurowski@nmc.edu.

Find information regarding the Reading and Writing Test here, including schedules, the registration process and test results. A passing score on the Reading and Writing Test is valid for life.