NMC Police Academy law enforcement student in a police car with a Grand Traverse County Sheriff's Deputy

Program Overview

NMC offers two full-time 16-week academies, one during the fall semester and one during the spring semester. Please refer to the Police Academy Schedule for specific details.

The application process begins with Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) pre-enrollment Reading & Writing and Physical Fitness tests. Both tests are offered at NMC about four months before the start of the fall and spring academies. Please refer to Important Dates on the main Police Academy program page for specific testing dates and deadlines.

Students who successfully pass the pre-enrollment tests will be given an information packet containing the NMC and MCOLES paperwork. Please refer to the MCOLES website for Licensing Standards for Michigan Law Enforcement Officers. Once the paperwork is completed, applicants will be fingerprinted and drug tested and undergo a complete medical evaluation. A thorough and comprehensive background investigation will be conducted on each applicant following a formal interview with the Director of the Police Academy. The Director will notify each applicant of their status following the background investigation. Successful applicants will receive uniform guidelines and instructions in preparation to begin the academy.

Articulation Agreements