Financial Aid Complaints

Students who have complaints about financial aid should first work with a Financial Aid Specialist in the Enrollment Services Office to resolve the dispute.

Enrollment Services - Tanis Building
Phone: (231) 995-1035

Should the dispute not be resolved after working with the financial aid staff, students may ask to be forwarded to the Director of Financial Aid.

The Financial Aid Office will review all complaints sent directly to the Director of Financial Aid, Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Services and Technology, President of the College and all other officials who may receive a complaint regarding issues with financial aid. All complaints are taken seriously, and will be viewed and responded to promptly.

If the dispute is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, there are resources outside of the college that may assist:

  • Federal Ombudsman for federal loan disputes
    U.S. Department of Education
    FSA Ombudsman Group
    830 First Street, NE
    Mail Stop 51444
    Washington, DC 20202-5144
    Phone: (877) 557-2575
    Fax: (202) 275-0549
  • Office of Inspector General for suspected fraud or abuse in federal aid programs
    Phone: (800) MIS-USED or (800) 647-8733
  • Michigan Attorney General Office of Consumer Protection
    P.O. Box 30213
    Lansing, MI 48909
    (517) 373-1110
    Toll Free (877) 765-8388
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau