Insurance & Fees

Students registered for six or more contact hours pay a Health Fee that directly supports Student Health Services. Students taking less than six contact hours may elect to pay the Health Fee in the clinic office or Cashier's Office. Therefore, all students have access to Health Services on campus.

There are no office visit charges to see either the nurse practitioner or the physician. However, we do charge minimal fees for health physicals, routine gynecological exams, some medications and laboratory tests. Every attempt is made to keep these costs to a minimum.

Options for Health Insurance

Staying under parents' health insurance until age 26

If your parents have an employer-sponsored insurance plan, or another insurance plan that covers children, you are eligible for coverage until the age of 26, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Staying on your parents’ plan has some major advantages, including convenience, as the billing and claims may already be handled by your parents. You also can’t be declined for coverage because of medical preexisting conditions.

Healthy Michigan, MI Child, Medicaid

  • To qualify for the Healthy Michigan Plan, a public insurance plan with some cost sharing, you must be age 19-64 years, have income at or below 133% of the federal poverty level* ($16,000 for a single person or $33,000 for a family of four), do not qualify for or are not enrolled in Medicare or other Medicaid programs and be a Michigan resident.
  • MIChild covers children from birth through age 19 years old. It is comprehensive health insurance that only cost $10 a month for those who qualify. The income guidelines are more generous for children.
  • Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that, together with the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides health coverage to over 72.5 million Americans, including children, pregnant women, parents, seniors and individuals with disabilities. Medicaid is the single largest source of health coverage in the United States. There is no cost associated with this coverage.
    In order to participate in Medicaid, federal law requires states to cover certain groups of individuals. Low income families, qualified pregnant women and children, and individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will qualify.

If you need assistance applying for these programs, help is available. Alicia Harmon is the Enrollment Specialist for Northwestern Michigan Health Services Inc. and she can be reached at her office (231) 947-0351.


Edusure is offered by Academic HealthPlans (a Texas-based company) and is the first private health insurance marketplace for students. Edusure allows students to view and compare health insurance plans available in their zip code from the nation’s top insurance companies. Students can also estimate available federal tax subsidies and apply them directly to their health plans to lower their monthly payments.

Health Insurance Marketplace

If you don’t have health insurance through a job, Medicare, Medicaid, Healthy Michigan, MIChild, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or another source that provides qualifying health coverage, the Marketplace can help you get covered. Your savings depend on your expected household income for the year. Over 8 in 10 people who apply are eligible to save, and most can find plans for between $50 and $100 per month (after accounting for their savings).

International Student Insurance

ISO is a health insurance marketplace for international students. Multiple options and levels of health insurance are available so you can select the option that works best for you. Learn more at

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