Website Update Request and Report Form

Graphic of people interacting with computer screens and document iconsUse this form to request web page updates or to report content errors or accessibility issues with NMC's public website. Please select the type of request or report and supply details below. NMC faculty and staff may now change most of their directory information through ADP (accessed via myNMC). This excludes department and title (controlled by HR).

If your request or report involves a specific web page, please include the web page address below (e.g.,

If your request is for a shortcut to an existing page, please review the list of current shortcuts first to make sure your page does not already have a shortcut to it. Then supply the address for the web page that the shortcut should point to (e.g., along with your requested shortcut (e.g.,

If your request is for major changes to an existing web page or for a new web page, you can attach a file outlining the changes or providing content for the new page below.

NOTE: If you're an NMC student or employee having trouble logging in to your account or NMC Self-Service, contact the NMC Technology Help Desk at (231) 995-3020 or via the online chat feature available through their web page.

Attach supporting files (outlining changes, content for a new page, etc.) to this form using the "Choose File" or "Browse..." buttons below.

NOTE: The attached files cannot add up to more than 8 MB (Megabytes) in total file size. If needed, additional files can be emailed to