Staff Policy D-505.02
Institutional Effectiveness Criterion: Operations

Dennos Museum Center Facility Use Policy

Northwestern Michigan College’s (NMC) property, buildings, parking lots and grounds are designed and reserved for supporting the purposes of the institution. Consistent with Board of Trustees policy, NMC) also makes its physical facilities available to responsible groups and organizations on a rental basis, after meeting Dennos Museum Center (DMC) needs.

  1. Scheduling Responsibility
    All NMC property, buildings, parking lots and grounds belong to the College.  All space usage, for any reason, must be scheduled through the Central Scheduling system to ensure equitable and appropriate application of the scheduling policy and procedures and to minimize conflicts in bookings.
  2. Scheduling Order
    Reasonable efforts will be made to assure all programmatic needs are met.  Events are scheduled on a first come first serve basis with priority as follows, with NMC graduation ceremonies taking precedence.
    1. Dennos Museum Center (DMC) programming
    2. NMC departments and programs.
    3. External and rental customers.
  3. Fees
    All space use has a financial cost.  For current DMC rental rates, see NMC departments that utilize DMC space will be assessed 33% of the standard rates as listed on the DMC website. Fees are subject to change without notice.
  4. NMC Program Partnership Guidelines
    NMC Departments wishing to partner with the DMC must follow the guidelines below. Doing so may result in eligibility of waived rental fees (standard staffing charges still apply):
    1. DMC requires that program partners request partnerships at least three months in advance of the projected program date. Programming decisions are made on a quarterly basis byDMC staff. 
    2. Proposals must align with the DMC mission statement.
    3. Proposals must avoid direct competition with DMC programs and events.
    4. Partners must  acknowledge the DMC in program materials where appropriate. DMC staff may request copies of digital and/or print materials which include acknowledgement. 
    5. Failure to acknowledge DMC appropriately may result in future suspension of program partnership requests.
    6. DMC expects that all labor leading up to and during the event will be equitably distributed and agreed upon by all parties at the beginning of the partnership. 
  5. Facility Use Guidelines
    1. Scheduling, and Cancellation:
      1. All events held at DMC must be staffed by museum personnel for the duration of the event, including all set up, rehearsal, and tear down activities.
      2. DMC reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of 50% of the rental fee if the event is canceled by the renter less than 30 days prior to event. 
      3. Cancellation Due to Emergency Conditions:  Should performance spaces be damaged to the extent that it would interfere with the use of facilities by renter, or if a strike, public emergency, riot, or other unforeseen occurrence beyond the control of DMC prevents renter from using the facilities, either DMC or renter shall have the right to terminate the agreement and renter shall be liable only for the charges due at the time of termination.  At termination, renter waives any claim against the DMC/NMC for damages and/or compensation.

        Emergencies:  It is understood that final decisions causing cancellation or delay of an event, due to any emergency such as tornado warning, bomb threat, or other public emergency, is the decision of the management of DMC/NMC and the Traverse City Police Department (TCPD).
      4. DMC shall not be liable for failure to provide facilities or services under this Agreement in the event such failure is a result of Acts of God, inclement weather (refer to NMC Inclement Weather policy D506.03), riots, strikes, labor difficulties, epidemics, any act or order of any public authority, or any other cause, beyond NMC’s control. In such an event, DMC/NMC will not be required to provide special notification or provide or arrange for alternative facilities for use by the renter.
      5. DMC has limited parking and is subject to NMC and Traverse City rules and regulations governing parking on the NMC Campuses.   The Museum cannot guarantee immediate parking access to patrons of events at the DMC.
      6. DMC reserves the right to require the renter to  provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) upon request. 
      7. NMC/DMCfacilities and grounds may not be used for overnight camping.
      8. NMCfacilities may not be used by an individual, group or organization that advocates or subscribes to any theory or doctrine subversive to the Constitution or laws of the United States or the State of Michigan. This restriction does not prohibit the discussion of controversial subjects in a public forum.
      9. Inaccurate or untruthful statements made in applications, or violations of NMC’s  policies and procedures, including non-payment, may place the responsible persons and/or organizations/renters on an ineligible list for future use of NMC/DMC facilities.
    2. Responsibilities of the user:
      1. All users of NMCfacilities are subject to the policies and procedures of NMC. In addition, all federal, state, county, and local municipality laws and ordinances are applicable to NMC and the renter, including Fire Codes and room capacities.
      2. Works of art and other exhibition materials may not be moved or handled in any way without the written consent of the DMCDirector or Curator.  DMC reserves the right to restrict the activities of any function or set-ups related to the function which may in any way endanger the exhibitions within the building.
      3. Organizations using the DMCare responsible for any and all damage to the building or its contents (including works of art) due to such use other than reasonable wear and tear.  All equipment/props brought in by the user must be removed within 24 hours of the event’s conclusion.  DMC/NMC assumes no liability for the safekeeping of such equipment.
      4. All non-NMC groups who use DMCfacilities must include a disclaimer statement in all promotional activity clearly stating that the event is “Sponsored by (renter’s organization name).”  DMC reserves the right to review and provide disclaimer clarification as needed for all promotional materials, temporary signage, and decorations prior to publication, distributing, or posting.  
      5. All signage, decorations, posters, and flyers must be removed from DMCproperties at the close of the activity.  Additional fees may be assessed to the renter if materials are not removed.
      6. Smoking is prohibited in DMCbuildings.  For additional information see NMC Policy D-505.06
      7. Alcohol possession or use is prohibited on all DMCproperty except as authorized by NMC Policy D-505.08, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs. All arrangements for alcoholic beverages at DMC must be made with NMC’s Director of Food Services. 
      8. Doors and hallways must not be blocked with chairs or other equipment.  Fire doors must not be propped open at any time.
      9. The use of candles (except where expressly allowed), heating devices, or flammable materials is prohibited in all NMCfacilities unless approved by Central Scheduling.
      10. In the event the renter breaches any terms of this Agreement, DMC may immediately terminate this Agreement and the renter's right to use DMC’s  facilities without liability and penalty to DMC.
  6. NMC Co-sponsored Events
    NMC does not co-sponsor religious events or partisan political events.  NMC provides sponsorship opportunities for events in the following categories:
    1. NMC Co-Sponsorships:
      1. As a pursuit of professional interests, NMC departments, faculty, and staff may provide access to the DMC for external renters through co-sponsorship of select events. 
      2. NMC co-sponsors must submit a written request to DMC with rationale for co-sponsorship.  Ifco-sponsorship is approved by the DMC Director, DMC will issue a contract for signature to the party responsible for payment of rental and/or staffing fees.  Co-sponsorship requires the integral participation of the NMC co-sponsor throughout the course of the event.
      3. Co-sponsorship rental fee is 50% of standard fee.

When in the best interest of NMC, the NMC President or his/her designee may approve exceptions to procedures, scheduling order, fees, or requests for waivers, on a non-precedent-setting basis. NMC reserves the right to cancel any event for circumstances beyond its control and/or reasonable cause, or deny and make additional restrictions when in the best interest of the College.


The NMC Vice President of Finance and Administration, in conjunction with the appropriate NMC faculty and staff, is responsible for the development and publication of any procedures or guidelines that may be necessary to administer this policy effectively.


If any provision(s) of this policy or set of bylaws conflicts with laws applicable to NMC, including the Community College Act of 1966, the Freedom of Information Act, or the Open Meetings Act, as each may be amended from time to time, such laws shall control and supersede such provision(s).

If any provision(s) of this policy or set of bylaws conflicts with laws applicable to Northwestern Michigan College, including the Community College Act of 1966, the Freedom of Information Act, or the Open Meetings Act, as each may be amended from time to time, such laws shall control and supersede such provision(s).

Adopted September 18, 2009
Revised August 2, 2024