Your NMC
What is Your NMC?
The Your NMC program at Northwestern Michigan College is designed to help current and former foster youth who are transitioning into college life and adulthood. This program will provide students with hands-on support as they get connected with NMC’s campus. Supports include mentoring, financial assistance, academic and personal support, and ongoing activities to get connected to campus life. Through the Your NMC program, students are assisted in navigating through the college system from admissions until graduation. Counselors, faculty, students and staff work together with the student to achieve academic and personal success. Connections to local resources are also available, including MI Youth Opportunities Initiative resources.
Program eligibility/affiliation criteria:
- Currently in foster care or alumni of foster care;
- Be accepted for admission to Northwestern Michigan College; and
- Under the age of 24.
Program Contacts:
Augusta Kummer — Admissions Recruiter
Lisa Thomas — Dean of Students
Paul Kolak — Counselor