Credit for Prior Learning
Students who have achieved competency in certain skill or course work areas may receive credit for classes or waivers of prerequisite classes. This competency could be gained through life, work, or military experience; vocational training at an area vocational, career, or skill center; or completion of high school advanced placement courses. Competencies may be demonstrated in several ways, including:
- AP (Advanced Placement) credit achieved through high school courses
- CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
- ACE (American Council on Education) for veterans
- Competency Assessment in some NMC courses
- Course waiver, in conjunction with an NMC instructor
- DSST (Dantes Subject Standardized Test)
- Articulation credit for work at secondary schools
- Certification Credits allow students to receive course credit for certifications in specific, identified areas
- International Baccalaureate credits for some NMC courses
Students who wish to pursue credit or waivers for competencies should contact their advisor or the specific academic department.
Students who intend to transfer to other schools are cautioned to check with transfer institutions for approval of transfer for prior learning credits.